Wednesday, August 25, 2010

NeW bAbY!!!!

Kruze F. Torgerson

weight: 8.4
length: 20 1/2 inches

Born 08/18/2010 @ 5:17 P.M.
Kruze has finally joined our family! He is a very happy baby & we are SO happy to have him in our lives. Hazen has been very excited to be a big brother & the transition has actually been very Very good. ( I thought it was going to be much harder.) Hazen is having a wonderful time being the "big brother" and takes on the role w/a very serious attitude. We are so grateful to everyone for all of their thoughtfulness & all the prayers & support of everyone. After all the hours of labor is over, it's all good, we are all happy, & we are just glad to have him here safe & sound.
These pictures include the hospital pics, & the first day home from the hospital... even more pictures to come... they just change so quickly. :)

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Hello everyone... so I changed my blog to private pretty drastically, but I've had several people ask me if I have had my baby and to post pictures... SO... I'm giving all of you the option to be added to my blog if you'd like to follow. Please leave your email addresses so I can add you. Also, new pictures of the new baby to follow. Thanks. :)